
Cognos 10 Report Studio - Adding secondary value axis to the chart

This example shows, how to add secondary value axis to the chart in C10 Report Studio. For example in this bar chart 'revenue' and 'profit margin %' measures can't use same axis (Pic.1.)


1. Click the second value series in the chart area and go to it's properties (Pic. 2).

Pic. 2

2. Then just change Axis Assignment to Y2 Axis (Pic3).

Pic. 3

 In this example I had the horizontal chart which means that the axis above is secondary axis - Y2. Because I show series labels in the chart, I changed axis in order to series order, 'Revenue' --> Y2 and 'Profit Margin %' --> Y1. Then I changed 'Profit Margin %' chart type to Line and set data point marker shape to star and set "show line" --> No.


  1. I've looking for this information all over the internet and finally found you!!! Thank you for the explicit images to follow.

  2. http://www.cognosasksumeet.blogspot.in/search/label/Cognos%3A%20Creating%20Gantt%20Chart%20using%20Crosstab
