This blog is for all those who are interested in practical advices, tips and tricks I've learned when creating data warehousing, data modeling and reporting solutions using IBM Cognos and Microsoft SQL Server technologies.
This example shows, how to add secondary value axis to the chart in C10 Report Studio. For example in this bar chart 'revenue' and 'profit margin %' measures can't use same axis (Pic.1.)
I show tooltip in a chart but measure value is too precise, like 1,629387. I want to show only one decimal. So, here are steps how to modify that tooltip value:
[ 1 ] On the chart Series/ Sarja box, click measure text
[ 2 ] Go to Properties - Chart Node Member/ Ominaisuudet - Kaavion solmujäsen
[ 3 ] Click ellipsis (...) in the Data Format/ Tietomuotosection to open properties and modify format of the measure as you like.